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How To Create Your Own Teaching Resources
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How To Create Your Own Teaching Resources
#101 What Are My "go to" Software Tools
#102 How To Use Canva (4:34)
#103 How To Use Word Clouds (4:19)
#104 How To Use ClipArt (20:06)
#105 How To Upload A New Font To Word or Powerpoint (8:07)
#106 How To Use Powerpoint for Creating Teaching Resources (27:27)
#107 COMING SOON - Using Wix Website as a tool
#108 COMING SOON - How To Use Popplet (app) as Teaching Resource
#109: Creating A MindMap To Support All Learners (about me) NEW (11:50)
#110: How to Use Icons In PowerPoints (step by step) (7:20)
#111: Using Google Slides (NEW)
#112: How To Create a 5 Grade Scale Elaboration in PowerPoint
#113: How to Create Interactive Powerpoint Tasks for Whiteboard to Develop Fraction Fluency + Problem Solving (NEW) (62:18)
#114: How To Create + Use an Anchor Chart (NEW) (19:17)
#115: How To Use PowerPoint to make a Checklist or Assessment Document (NEW) (58:25)
#116 Online Learning OPEN ENDED SUPERHERO Task: (27:50)
BONUS MODULES from the Ultimate Mentorship Program SAVVY TEACHERS
#116: Behaviour Management: How I Use PowerPoint / Google Slide To Start Each Lesson (NEW)
# 117: How To Create Your Own Assessment in MS PowerPoint (15:53)
#118: How To Make A Matrix (new) (24:06)
#119: How To Make Maths Sheet "ICE-CREAM MATHS" (12:16)
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